Advertising Opportunities
Support your show promotion with effective advertising.
Cognotes, Focus on the Exhibits eblasts
Thank you to all our advertisers. View the issue at this link.
Cognotes, Focus on the Exhibits eblast will be sent to registered attendees to promote the Midwinter Virtual The Library Marketplace: Exhibitors, Stages & Resources.
Artwork due January 7, Issue will be sent January 13
This is a great place to advertise your Exhibitor Session presentation, highlight your Meet the Authors participation, get attendees excited about your Swag-a-palooza give-away.
Artwork due January 7. Artwork specs: 800 x 1200 pixels for a full page. JPEG preferred, PNG or GIF files can be accepted.
Advertising Rates:
Full Page - $1,000
2-Page Spread - $1,700
Library Champions receive 10% off
Reserve Now!
Instructions on submitting artwork will be sent with order confirmation.
For more information, contact:
Rich Widick, Zach Erickson
[email protected]
Rich: 630/929-7918; Zach: 630/929-7934
Fax: 630/434-1216 or 630/756-5335