Virtual Exhibitor Service Center
The Virtual Exhibitor Service Center will be your one-stop shop for setting up your virtual exhibit.
One person from each exhibiting company is designated to be the booth coordinator in charge of inputting your company’s data in the Virtual Exhibitor Service Center. The booth coordinator contact will receive an email invitation to log into the Virtual Exhibitor Service Center, where he or she will be guided through a set of tasks to input your company’s details. These details may include but are not limited to the company name, description, product categories, logo, PDF handouts, and web links.
As you complete tasks, you will see a green check next to tasks that are complete. A red X indicates a task that still needs your attention.
You will see a deadline of November 4 for these tasks:
- Updated Your Company Details
- Enter Company Description & Category Selection
- Upload Your Logo
We encourage exhibitors to complete these tasks before the website launches on November 5. Note: Once these tasks are complete, you may go back in and make edits. These tasks will not close. For example, the Company Description & Category selections can be updated at any time.
Most other tasks have a deadline of January 11, 2021.
Note: some tasks will be available at a later date. These include:
- Title/Product Showcase listings
- Meet the Authors program